Monday, September 7, 2009

ooops i forgot to blog.

i am back - it will be better this time. i will make time for this expression. it's pleases me to go back and reread the what i was brewing - mentally. what a mind i am working with - a lot going on at once.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday at 1pm i took a yoga class for the first time in YEARS. It was wonderful. i was shaky, nervous, inflexible and very happy to be there. My friend Simone Kelly-Brown has a wellness center call Own Your Power Lifestyle Center in Hollywood. I trecked. It was worth it. I am sore. It was worth it. Now for more.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This is a fine day - it is tuesday, january 20 and the light has yet to peek above the horizon. we are preparing for CHANGE. President Barack Hussein Obama will lead our country in the spirit of a new America and a new universe.